How Much Do Online Therapist Make

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Haveyou been considering a career in online therapy and wondering how much onlinetherapists earn?

If so, you’re among the millions ofindividuals in the US considering turning their willingness and passion forhelping people suffering from mental health issues into a career. People whohave decided to pursue a career in counseling and therapy not only experiencethe intangible benefits of having a rewarding career but are also very wellpaid for the work they do with clients. In this article, we provide a briefoverview of the earning potential of therapists who practice online.

Professional Outlook for Online Therapists

If you’re considering a career as a licensedmental health professional, you’ve chosen a booming career path. Mental healthcareers and related professions continue to grow as the need for qualifiedhealth professionals in psychology and mental health-related fields continue togrow. The professional outlook for mental health care professionals whopractice in traditional environments and online is a positive one.

The estimates in this article are based onavailable data from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics and relatedagencies tasked with maintaining career and salary data for people working aslicensed counselors, psychologists, marriage and family therapists,professional counselors, and similar roles in the US.

Earning Potential for Online Therapists and Related Careers

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics,clinical counseling, industrial-organizational, and educational psychologistsand therapists practicing in the US can earn between $78,200.00 and $101,790.00per year. The amount can vary depending on several factors including experiencelevel, state of practice, and other external factors.

The numbers presented here are for traditionaltherapists. Offline therapists and those who maintain their practices inbrick-and-mortar locations like private practices, hospitals, schools, clinics,and government institutions have the same earning potential as onlinetherapists. The reason for this is that in many cases, the therapists you findpracticing online are the same therapists you find practicing inbrick-and-mortar locations.

Taking your therapy practice online doesn’tnegatively impact your offline therapy potential. In fact, many therapistswho’ve decided to take their therapy practice online have seen their earningsincrease as they are no longer required to pay out-of-pocket expenses formaintaining office space, traveling to work, and related expenses.

How to Become a Therapist Online

Therapists who practice online normally set upa home office instead of paying for office space. This results in acost-savings that doesn’t exist for in-office and face-to-face therapists.Saving on recurring fees like rental or purchase of office space and othercomplex fees associated with maintaining a private practice can directlyincrease the earnings of a licensed online therapist.

The credentials for practicing therapy onlineare the same as those for practicing offline therapy and private practice andother clinical settings. As a result, more new therapists are taking advantageof the reduced cost-savings that practicing online offers. Getting started withan online therapy practice can be as easy as joining an online therapy platformthat provides session management, administrative task management, and marketingfor your online practice.

Populartherapy platforms like BetterHelp make it easy to join andbegin a private therapy practice online from the comfort of home.

State Licensing Requirements and Therapy Careers

After completing all educational and hands-onclinical requirements, today’s mental health practitioners are eligible to becomelicensed to provide mental health treatment and substance abuse treatment andsupport for individuals, families, couples, adolescents, and teens who needrelated care. Psychological testing and assessment, counseling, andpsychotherapy for coping with thoughts, feelings, emotions, and behaviors.


Therapy professionals who hold a doctoraldegree in counseling, psychology, and other mental health-related professionsare psychologists. Many people confuse psychologists and psychiatrists due tothe similarity and name and profession. Understanding the distinction betweenthe two is important when it comes to providing psychological relatedtreatments and services. Psychologists are advanced-degree level professionalswho provide diagnosis, testing, and clinical therapy support. Psychiatrists aremedical professionals who hold an MD that provide diagnostics, testing, andtreatment in the form of psychotherapy and medication management.

LicensedMarriage & Family Therapists

Families and couples often find themselves incrisis and unsure where to turn. When issues between couples and familiesbecome entangled, a licensed marriage and family therapist can provide thesupport and advice your family needs to help get your lives back on the right track.LMFT’s are master’s degree level clinicians who provide individual, group, andcouples therapy for people in crisis. Psychological assessments and testing maybe administered during your sessions with an LMFT.

LicensedProfessional Counselors

In most cases, licensed professionalcounselors hold a master’s degree in counseling, psychology, or related fieldsand provide mental health care and substance abuse support under their statepractice guidelines. LPC’s can be found in private practice environments, grouppractices, and public mental and substance abuse treatment facilities.

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